Lebanon Dollars Utilities Banner

City Hall at Lebanon, Missouri


Welcome to Lebanon Dollars a site dedicate to bringing transparency to the City of Lebanon's public documents. All data on this site is obtained public sources such as the City of Lebanon's document library located at www.lebanonmissouri.org. Lebanon Dollars endeavors to transform the presentation of the data from thousands of pages of documents into an easy to navigate and inquire format. We empower the citizens with ability to reach a new level of clarity in city operations by which they can hold city government more accountable.

Tips for reducing you bill

Switch to energy-efficient lighting
Identify your five most used lights and replace them with compact fluorescent light bulbs. Each light light bulb costs about $1.75 each. Annual savings is estimated to be $56.

Install a water-saving showerhead
A WaterSense-qualified showerhead conserves water but still produces enough invigorating spray to awaken you. Annual savings is estimated to be $45 per year.

Eliminate your ghost energy usage
Purchase a Belkin Conserve Smart AV for just $29 at Amazon.com. This device is a power strip with a built in surge protector which will automatically shut off such audio visual compoents as a receiver, gaming console, and speakers when you turn off your television. Annual savings is estiamted to be $62 per year.

Click here to start saving with ING DIRECT!

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